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Kaohsiung Branch, Administrative Enforcement Agency, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Violating home quarantine regulations and being fined NTD 1,000,000, the seafarer paid the fine and returned to work

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  • Last updated:2021-03-02
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Press release from Kaohsiung Branch, Administrative Enforcement Agency (AEA), Ministry of Justice

Release on: January 14, 2021

Contact person: Chief Enforcement Officer Shu Wen Wang
Contact numbers: 07-7152158 ext. 701

Violating home quarantine regulations and being fined NTD 1,000,000, the seafarer paid the fine and returned to work

A national seafarer He who works for a sea carrier company registered under Taiwan violated home quarantine regulations of staying at home after completing the cargo loading service in the Philippines on November 10, 2020, and was fined NTD 1,000,000 by the Department of Health, Kaohsiung City and was transferred to the Kaohsiung Branch for enforcement.

After accepting the case, the Kaohsiung branch started the investigation mechanism for violating epidemic prevention regulations and immediately imposed restrictions from leaving the country and island against He. After more than half a month, He finally paid off the NTD 1,000,000 fine on January 14, 2021. Kaohsiung Branch immediately lifted the restrictions from leaving the country and island against him and allowed him to return to work at sea.

After the investigation, the Branch found that He should be quarantined at home for 14 days after entering the country. However, for five consecutive days starting from November 11, the next day after entering the country, he went out several times to buy breakfast, lunch and drinks, went to the hospital to get chronic prescription drugs, and even visited the used automobiles stores and refueled at gas stations. He also deliberately left his mobile phone at home to evade the electronic fence system. The government spent many resources, including the polices, health department, and civil affairs department's time and energy on November 16 to track him. The malicious violation of home quarantine policies created a loophole in epidemic prevention measures. Thus the Department of Health, Kaohsiung City decided to fine him NTD 1,000,000 in accordance with the law and transferred the case for enforcement.

After the Kaohsiung branch accepting the case, the Branch found that the obligor had a house, 4 automobiles, and multiple insurance policies. He also had good credit records and health insurance records insured by a sea carrier and sea carrier agent company. However, he lied to the enforcement officer at the Kaohsiung branch that he did not have any real property and had left the said company after entered the country without further employment on December 25, 2020. He changed his statement after the enforcement officer showed evidence. Kaohsiung Branch decided to impose restrictions on leaving the country and island against him due to the evasions and false statements he made during the investigation. In order to return to work and relieve the pressures created by the fine and other restrictions, He finally paid off the NTD 1,000,000 fine on January 14, and Kaohsiung Branch lifted the restrictions for leaving the country and island immediately.

Kaohsiung Branch urges the public to comply with all government regulations and processes related to epidemic prevention regulations and not hold the mindset of selfishness and negligence. All citizens shall enhance the self-protecting measures to protect the health of themselves and others.

If any fine was imposed for violation of epidemic prevention regulations and the obligor refused to pay, the case will be transferred to enforcement and each branch will enforce it rapidly in accordance with the law to protect the health of all citizens.

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